Game Daze

It’s that time of year again… COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON!!

It is one of my favorite events in the fall, however my excitement for Gator football is for everything and anything except Gator football.

In my world, what I look forward to on game days is this:

  • Finding the most festive outfits to cheer on your team (minus the dresses and cowboy boots)
  • Cutting your t shirts in every way, shape or form with your friends until you look like a homeless indian.

  • Walking distances in your converses to meet up with all your friends and take a million pictures to document that you are super excited for the football game.
  • BARBECUES AND TAILGATES OBVIOUSLY (veggie burgers galore!)
  • Finding your “happy place” while tailgating

  • Meeting a million new people who are included in the sea of students and alumni walking towards Ben Hill Griffen Stadium.
  • Standing in block seating at the stadium with 100 of your greatest friends.

  • Cheering as loud as you can when the rest of the crowd cheers because you have no idea what is actually going on in the game.
  • Drinking ice cold lemonade.
  • Laughing and recapping the events of the day with your friends as you all struggle to walk home with bruised and sore feet together.
  • Taking the best shower of your life when the game is over.

I don’t know about everyone else, but those are good enough reasons for me to wake up super early and excited on each game day!

However you cherish your game days, I think almost everyone can agree that college football is much more than the actual football game; they are the events where some of the best college memories are made!